Conferences, Lorraine Daston, The Making of the Humanities

Call for papers: The Making of the Humanities III

There is a call for papers for the third conference on the history and making of the humanities – which will take place at the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome from 1 – 3 November. Confirmed keynote speakers include Lorraine Daston and John Joseph.

From the website:
The theme of the meeting in 2012 will be The Making of the Modern Humanities, focusing on the period 1850-2000, as well as four general panel themes that across all periods (see below). Topics include all aspects of the history of philology, linguistics, literary studies, musicology, historiography, art history, theatre studies, (new) media studies and other humanities disciplines, with an emphasis on their mutual influences, and their interaction with the other sciences.

Papers can be submitted to the general theme or to one of the panels. Please indicate on your abstract whether you want your paper to be considered for the general theme or for one of the panels or both. Send your abstract of maximally 400 words to: Deadline for abstract submissions: 1 June 2012
